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Oil on paper

textures made by hand with oil colours scratched on paper. Depending on the type of paper and the instrument used to scratch, it’s possible to create different surfaces to scan and use digitally to give texture and therefore enhance the illustration.

Pietro Roberto Goisis

doctor, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst with more than forty years experience, he dedicated himself to sharing details about psychoanalysis and was head of the press committee and the Area Cinema of the Società Psicoanalitica Italiana.

2021 • Enrico Damiani Editore


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2021 • Enrico Damiani Editore


A sneak peak behind the scenes into the work of psychoanalysts.

TECHNIQUE Oil on paper1 / Digitale

AUTHOR Pietro Roberto Goisis2

Immagine 1
Immagine 2

The therapist’s room is a mysterious and fascinating place: rigourously protected from  prying eyes and ears, it is a secret refuge where ghosts, memories and expectations are created.  We can fantasize at length on what happens within these walls, on how one prepares to enter, on how one leaves. 

Immersing ourselves in the pages of the book, we see what goes on behind the scenes at appointments, following patients’ voices, we are transported directly into their minds.